Monday, January 09, 2006

Petitcodiac - Induction Into The Maritime Motorsports Hall of Fame

PHOTO: (From the archives of Positive Impact News Inc.) This photo was taken at the River Glade Speedway in August 1989, after The Old Timers Race, in commemoration of the speedways 25th. anniversary. From left to right are: Went Marshall, Herman Berry Sr., Caleb Dunn, Gerald Wheaton, Bob Charters, Humbert Becket, Hinson Ashe, Tom Maxwell, Ken Brace(flagman) and Ernie McLean (kneeling in the middle) The winner of The Old Timers race Caleb Dunn.

Ten inductees will be selected into The Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame and the black tie ceremony will be held in November of 2006.

The building that will be home for the Maritime Motorsports Hall of Fame may not yet be on it's way, but the Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame Inc. members are moving ahead as planned.

There will be an inaugural ceremony in November of 2006. Plans are underway to select the inaugural inductees . The Nomination Forms for the 2006 considerations can be found on their web site:

The general public is encouraged to fill in these forms to nominate someone they feel has had outstanding contributions to Maritime Motorsports. The four categories are: Competitor, Recreational, Restoration & Specialties and Team. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2006. The selection will be made by September 15, 2006.

The Maritime Motorsports Hall of Fame Inc. was founded in 2005 by Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame member and former River Glade Speedway owner, Ernie McLean and his wife Winona. Now in place is a Board of Directors which include representation from N.B., PEI, and N.S. and from all types of motorsports, as well as their committees.

The very important task facing The Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame, to date, is raising their contribution of $100,000.00 to go toward the construction of their permanent home in Petitcodiac, N.B. Canada. Until this home becomes fruition a temporary home will be established in both Dartmouth, N.S. as well as one in Moncton, N.B.

Sponsorship opportunities are available and contributions are welcome. Membership fees to The Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame are only $15.00 per person, and tax receipts are available for all contributions of $200.00 or more.

The Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting all types of motorsports in the Maritime Provinces. For forms or more information visit their web site: or call at 1-866-355-8206.

Elgin NB-Boyhood Friends United

Two little boys lay side by side hashing over all the fun they had had since the time they became friends. Little Delbert Bannister and George Taylor, lived on Gowland Mountain near the community of Elgin, New Brunswick, Canada. They didn't have much time left, for the Taylor family were leaving to go back home to Scotland.

Charlie and Mary Taylor of Scotland, always wanted a farm, a farm in Canada. The beginning of their dream began coming true in 1928 when they boarded a ship for the long voyage to Canada.

A short time after landing on Canadian shores and searching for a farm, they found one in Elgin, N.B. To add to their great Canadian experience, Mary soon gave birth to a son. They named him George James Hay Taylor.

On Gowland Mountain, Harold and Olive Bannister also lived. They had a son named Delbert, who was near the same age as George, and they became best of friends. Many a carefree day was spent as they played and sought out adventures together. But their friendship came to an end far too soon. In 1936, just ten years after arriving in Elgin, Charlie fell very ill and died. He was only 38 years old.

Mary's family encouraged her to return to her homeland, Scotland, and to her family. When the morning arrived Mary gathered her two sons, George who was now 10 and his younger brother Lewis, who was 3, for their long trip back home to Scotland. George peered out through the back window of their car and sadly waved good bye to Delbert as they drove away from Elgin.

When back home, Mary settled in the town of Elgin, Scotland. Here her sons grew and began lives of their own. When George was 14 he went to work for his uncle driving a log truck. When WWII broke out George enlisted as a sailor and served on the Seafort Highlander.

Canada must have had a lasting effect on George, for in 1951 he moved back and settled on the West Coast. There he married, raised a family, and retired in 1986 after 35 years as a papermaker at the Powell River Paper Mill.

Here on the East Coast, Delbert too grew, married Alice Teakle from Portage Vale. They settled there and raised their family. Still living in Portage Vale, Delbert has since retired and enjoys life to the fullest. But often times throughout the years Delbert has wondered whatever became of his boyhood friend, George.

In 2003 Delbert happened one day to meet Jean (Taylor) Yeomans in Moncton. Knowing that Jean was a cousin to George, he inquired about him. From that chance meeting, Delbert obtained George's mailing address and wrote him a letter. From that first letter they have corresponded ever since, thus beginning a reacquainting. From two little boys playing in the hills of Gowland Mountain, to two old friends living on opposite sides of this great country. Not only have they shared old stories, but have filling in the gaps of over 67 years of not knowing what had happened to each other.

George, in one of his letters, told Delbert of a trip he made across Canada and how he had visited his boyhood home in Elgin, N.B. in 1979. George drove his car up Gowland Mountain toward his homestead, there he met two people on the side of the road picking raspberries. He stopped and talked to Laura Smith and her husband for a long while before continuing on his way. He stopped his car in the yard of his homestead. The people who now lived there, Mr. & Mrs. John Ayre, seen George, went out and invited him in for supper.

George had a wonderful time sharing with the Ayres some of his experiences. One such story George shared was about one sever winter in Elgin. He told how, by times, horses could walk atop the snow because the crust had frozen so hard. At other times the children, on their way to school, would break a path for the horses so they could be on their way.

After his visit with the Ayres, George made his way down to the village and there he stopped at the Elgin General Store. He purchased a souvenir plate with Elgin written on it, then asked the owner if he had lived there long.

"All my life," was his reply. George then introduced himself and the storekeeper disappeared into a back room. When he returned he had paper clippings with all the names of the children who went to school at the same time that George had. George came across the names of the Stewart children, and said he remembered Doris Stewart. The storekeeper smiled and said that Doris was in the village today visiting with her mother. With directions on how to get there George was off for yet another visit. This visit lead him to yet another visit with his old school teacher, Marie Steeves. George surely enjoyed this trip down memory lane.

December of 2003 Delbert and Alice went west to visit with one of their daughters and family who lived in Half Moon Bay on the Sunshine Coast. They knew that George lived somewhere near, but had never obtained his phone number. They got the phone book out only to find 27 George Taylors. But, looking closer, Delbert seen George James Hay Taylor and knew it had to be the same George he knew.

The call was made and a meeting arranged in West Vancouver at a Starbucks. When George came through the door, Alice knew immediately it was him from photographs he had sent them. They then went to The Keg to share a wonderful supper and a time of reminiscing. George told them that after he retired in 1986 he moved to Surrey B.C. where he still resides. He said he enjoys a great game of lawn bowling and still plays the bagpipes in a pipe band.

George and Delbert have not since visited each other, but they still keep in touch via phone calls and letters.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Salisbury - My Latest Painting

SHEPODY MOUNTAIN Painted by: Sharon A. Layton-Pollock

Several years ago I drove across the Shepody March. I entered at the Harvey Dam, off the Mary's Point Road, and exited at Hopewell Hill, N.B. Canada. This road is used by local farmers to get their hay crops from the march land to their barns. All the views from this road are, to say the least, awesome.

Of coarse I had my camera with me, for that was my mission, to photograph a scene for future painting. I call my painting "Shepody Mountain." The village in the background is Hopewell Hill. But, I must admit the Redwinged Blackbird was not in the photograph, rather in my imagination, and now in my painting. I finished this painting January 2006.

The painting is in acrylic, on canvas board and is 12" X 16". I have yet to post it to my web site, but will shortly. If you would like to view other paintings I have done, and again they are painted from photographes I have taken, visit my web site at

Do enjoy!